Member of LOG-IT Club

Quality and the Environment – Always in Sight.

Sievert Logistik’s expertise lies in logistics. This is where we ensure the quality of our operations through strict internal quality management processes and external certification across all levels and departments. Apart from our certified ISO EN DIN 9001 quality management system, we also have all the relevant certificates and approvals.

However Sievert Logistik’s responsibility extends far beyond logistics per se. We endeavour to consider environmental protection and adopt a sustainable corporate approach in all our decisions. Environmental protection just as important as a corporate objective as economic success, quality and occupational safety.

Sievert Logistik contributes to environmental protection on several levels:

  • Modern fleet of vehicles with low-noise and low-emission engines
  • All trucks conform at the very least to the strict EURO-5 standard or even EURO-6 standard (green environmental / fine dust particles sticker).
  • Waste transport and disposal approval ( C 404 00522 002 / C 00011550 5 )
  • Environmentally-aware driving, use of optimum routes
  • Regular driver training sessions using our own eco-trainers
  • Use of modern forwarding software to reduce empty trips and optimise transport processes
  • Efficient fleet control using telematics
  • Economical use of electricity, water and operating materials
  • Lower waste and higher recycling quota
  • Transfer of loads to rail and waterways with intermodal transport schemes
  • Systematic development of our environmental strategies